'Member those little leaguers I told you about the other day? You 'member. Well they did it!! they won the Little League World Series! I love how excited this has gotten our whole community. I love that we feel so close because of these 12 amazin' boys. Last night at cheer practice my girls were swooning over Bulla who paid a visit to his football team. I was like "girls...it's the same Bulla ya'll knew two months ago." But really he's not. And even I got a little star struck for a minute. haha! Anyways there was a BIG welcome home rally on Monday night. The bus came in at almost 10pm...on a school night...yes we were there. Oh and so was Frankie J and George Lopez...Jus' sayin'.
Here is a picture of the crowd when George Lopez arrived to give each boy and the 2 coaches a 32 gig i-touch. He is da man
My boy will be hitting the batting cages daily...shoot I'm tryin' to get celebrity status too! :D It was standing room only on the home side of the stadium. If you look across the field even the visitor side bleachers were pretty full. This Friday is the offical parade followed by another rally at the college. Which just happens to be in my back yard...literally. The high school bestie is coming in from Phoenix even...this is a big deal. I can't wait!
That's it for today!
Nice..we'll be in town this friday too! Where they having the parade? Downtown 3rd?