Monday, July 13, 2009

Cheer me up please!!

Do you ever have "one of those days"? When you're just blue? I'm having one today. I. is. Sad.
So let's have a contest so I can pretend I have like a million and one readers.
Where are you from? Who is the furthest away from Sunny Diego where I am? You might win a prize. In fact you will. It might be a lame prize, but winning is winning!!


  1. Umm I live in Denver but would say I am FROM Chi-town. Soooo do I win? Plus I'm the first to comment because I care that you are blue today. I've been feeling the same lately. So I hear ya sista. =]

  2. Ah, no fair. Someone already claimed Denver and I'm only the second poster! I'm a little east of Denver, though. Does that count? I hope your day is going better!

  3. I'm guessing i have no chance to win since i live about 8 miles from you. :)

    I've been blue lately, too! It's because I'm so bored! I miss being in your building more often so I could go chat with you.

  4. I am far far far away in NY.
    Hope you are having a better day today!

  5. Well, I live farthest from you in bout that?? Besides - you and me?? We have a "special" bond...I let you feel me up. and I LIKE it! ;)

  6. I am starting my day today with a better attitude. That's key right?

    haha! For the record...those "feel ups" are accidental!! hahaha! That's how rumors get started!

  7. Well...I live 2 hrs away from you friend! But your friendship is a gift in itself so I don't need to win a prize! (insert cheesy grin) hope you're feeling better...i know how those days can be, get them a lot being out here away from friends & fam like you! But hang in there, tomorrow is another day!

  8. Shoot, I'm way late, but I live farther from you than HG AND I'm your favorite partner in food. Hello, we were preggers together!! How is MB doing???


I LOVE reading your thoughts!! :)