Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Hump Day Happies....

I Like my hump day happies because it makes me think about the positive stuff that is going on in my life...even when I don't feel too positive.  It's good times really.

I am happy that my friends for over half my life made it to my PAR-TAY* on Saturday.  I've known these girls since Middle School.  They rock.

Drea, Me and Sher Bear.

*I will go through the rest of the pictures from the various photographers before posting more party pics.  I am hoping there are more pictures that don't include me playing beer pong, taking shots, dancing with my hands all up in my hair or dropping it like it's hot.  Cause please trust that I can drop it like no ones bizness. :D  I would hate for you all to get the wrong impression! haha!!

I am happy that my body finally feels better from the 4.5 hours I spent on the bathroom floor on Sunday morning....hugging the toilet. Yes I was irresponsible and got hammered. But that was way back when I was in my 20's.  I know better now. :D  

This is WAY before it got bad.  I still have a bit of a smile on my face.  I was able to put my hair up in a bun on my own too.  Thanks My Rock for capturing this magical moment.

I am happy that my lovely sister, my kiddos and my weekend kiddos (including the poor innocent Alexis) broke into my home at Midnight on my birthday to surprise me and shower me in rose petals and balloons.  I'm sorry I wasn't prepared and "surprised" you all back in my sexy PJ's. hahaha!

My hallway floor after the rose petal and balloon shower.

I'm happy that HG is the Mexican Betty Crocker and made me a bomb a$$ cake.  Isn't it beautiful?  The waitress at Shogun dropped a plate on it (see at the bottom?) and I'm pretty sure HG almost shanked her....lucky for the waitress there were only chopsticks on the table.  The cake was moist. heehee.   

I'm happy that in less than 34 hours I get to say goodbye to 2009 cause she's been a real bitch.  Yeah I said it. I'm allowed. I'm 30 remember? :D

Here it is for the last time in 2009 (dude we're starting a new decade!!)


Monday, December 28, 2009

Thirty, Flirty and Thriving

Today is the big day!  I'm now 30! WOW!  I was pretty nervous about turning 30 for a while.  I just remember 30 being SOOOO old.  Now that I'm ain't so bad! 

I am blessed to have lived these 30 wonderful years.  I've known joy and sorrow, laughter and tears, victory and defeat. I've broken hearts and had my heart broken.  I've been hurt and I've hurt others.  I've lost some people I love, but created memories to last a lifetime. I've lost a baby and I've been blessed with babies. I met and married the love of my life.  I've made it through a lot.  It's made me who I am today.  Here I am 30 years old and I couldn't be happier!   

This is me circa 1980.  Bad haircut and all.  See even back then
I wanted to be a mommy. :D

I'm 5 here. The hair is a little better at least. Rockin' the Jordache...don't hate!

Here are my Senior pictures.  It's the same standard pose that ALL schools did here in the 90's (and 80's and 70's...just sayin') My hair is a mess again. 

HOT MESS!! :D  But kisses to you all!! 

WOOHOOO 30!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Hump Day Happies....

This will be ANOTHER boring and random post!  I'm so very sorry!  You know with the Holidays and work and life...I've sucked at blogging lately.  I mean really sucked.  I will soooo make it up to you all, I promise!  I have plenty of upcoming shenanigans.  With Christmas and my Birthday and soon having no job to keep me busy. :D  I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared of that last little part.  Cause I am.  It's what I wanted for a long be home with my kiddos and be a full time wife and mommy.  But it's scary to think of living on one income. I hope we can do it for a while.  

The timing is right too cause I'll be home to spend time with my sister.  My sister just found out she has cancer.  It's scary because we've lost so many we love to this dumb disease.  But my sister is strong, young and a fighter.  She will fight and she will win.  We have love and faith.  I was watching my all time favorite movie, Return to Me,  yesterday and I heard this quote "It’s the character that’s the strongest that God gives the most challenges to, so you should take it as a compliment"  It made me smile. God is amazing and I know that with our prayers everything will work out as it should.  

Now on to the Happies! 

My Rock put the Angel on our lopsided tree.  Can you tell where I stopped the lights and someone else started? haha. I love our big crazy, mismatched, ghetto tree! It makes my house smell like Christmas!

        This is Buster.  He is a pain in the bootay.  But he loves us and we love him.  He is an outside dog...but last night he came in..I think he knew I was sad. I love him.

She loves to cuddle.  We have "cuddle time" every night.  I worked late and came home to find I was replaced.  I didn't mind. They make my heart swell.

My Best Friend Lizzy is well...the best.  I couldn't ask for a better friend.  She is always there. To laugh with me or cry with me.  And to make sure I am having a blast at our tailgates before the game. :D

Speaking of tailgates...this is part of our "D4 Crew".  We all tailgate together before games. There are a lot of people missing in this picture. Can you find me?

Mas Guapo!! I love Christmas sing-a-longs at school.  I love that my Little Rock likes to dress up.  I love that he was so excited that he was ready 1/2 an hour early. :D  

This is a crappy picute of a picture.  I didn't scan it cause I am lazy.  It's from the 80's can you tell?  That's me with my Mom and my Daddy on New Year's Eve.  Yesterday was the 10 year anniversary of his passing.  I still miss him like crazy.  But looking at this picture makes me happy.

Christmas is in two days!! YAY!!!


What are you happy about?

Monday, December 14, 2009

30 by my 30th?

I am exactly 2 weeks away from my 30th B-day.

I hear 30 is the new 20...but srsly? I just remember thinking that 30 was SOOOO old. Yet here I am. With all my hair and walker yet.  

 I had said I didn't want to celebrate my birthday.  I made my bestie, my Mama and My Rock promise no party. They were mad...but respected my wish.  

However, I've now seen the light.  I've lived 30 healthy, happy, fulfilling, loving, wonderful years!  It's something to celebrate. For me AND my loved ones.  Who am I to tell them they can't celebrate my life...when they ARE my life! DUH!!  

Shenanigans will ensue.  I am sure of it.  And if nothing else, it will give me something to blog about.  :D 

So here is my Bloggy Birthday wish.  I wish to have 30 followers by my 30th B-day.  If it works I also wish to be skinny by then too! :D 

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hump Day Happies....

So I tried to post a blog from my phone yesterday (FAIL) cause the internets have not been my friend. I'm over it.

On to the Happies!!

We went Christmas tree shopping with the kiddos.  They loved it and we were out of there in less than 30 minutes. HOLLA!! :D

Here is our tree.  It sat light less for 3 days.  Then was 3/4 of the way wrapped in lights....then we ran out.  Bigger house + bigger ceilings = bigger tree = need more lights.  My Rock got them yesterday and finished up the tree for us.  He Rocks! (pun intended)

This is my best friend.  She is a beautiful person.  Inside and out.  I on the other hand am TIPSY in this picture.  Just sayin'

End of the night. I kinda remember taking this picture.  I loves him.

 Leaving the bookstore.  They love each other and I caught it on camera.

She is 10!!! Double digits baybee!!

What are you happy about?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

December Birthday Club.....

Awesome people are born in December.  I mean it's just a fact.  The babies are cuter too.  My mom told me so.  

When I was doing my daily blog surfing I noticed that Uptown Girl had this:

Apparently she is an adorable December baby as well.  She wants us all to RSVP for her month long birthday celebration.  I'm all about month long celebrations.  But seeing as how I have many people I love born in December I must include them all.  

So I am RSVPing for the celebration of  

My Baby B*
My Sol*
Jesus (yeah THE Jesus)
Me!!! *

Isn't that a lot of Birthdays?  I told you December was awesome!  Are you part of the club?

You have 26 shopping days left until my BIG B-day celebration.  I'll work on my wish list now. :D

* - We are the M Family Trilogy.  We are the cutest babies ever born to our familia and we are all 10 years apart to the month.  December '79, '89 and '99.  HOLLA!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Four Photographs

I just love playing tag! I love being tagged. And my New BFF, mah sista from another Mista, Alexandria tagged me. I feel oh so special!
So here are the Rules.

1. Choose a photo that makes you cringe like hell.

We look so awkward. Look at my Rock's face. Look at my fake smile. Look at my "plumpness". I'm glad the apron is hidding the rolls cause then I would be super duper sad. Seriously I cringed. 2010 will be the year of the Alice Makeover. I need to lose about 1,000 pounds and this pictures reminds me of that fact.

2. Choose two pictures that you could stare at all day long.
I Love my family. Dang we're a good lookin' bunch. haha!! Seriously I have this picture on my desk and I really do stare at it all day. Fake Smiles or not. They are my whole world.

Yes I've brought it up like 5 Billion times. I is in love with Jacob's abs. I could stare at them ALL day. I'm gonna blow up this picture and tape it to my treadmill....just outta reach so I can be motivated by yumminess.

3.Choose one picture that shows your dreams and aspirations, or that holds a place on your 'bucket list'.
I want to travel the world. Ok well not the whole world. But I do have a lengthy list of all the places I would like to go. I'll have to write them all out one day and get them in order so if my Rock ever wants to surprise me with a trip he'll know where to take me. Or if any of you want to take me on a trip. :D

4. Link four bloggers-and tell why they inspire you.
-Heather from HERE
Her Blog title is way long. :D She has a sidebar with the random comments I've made while out to lunch. I think half of them are made up. I can't be that bad can I?

-Sarah from Color Plaid.
She makes me laugh everytime I read her blog. She was my first "follower" who I didn't know in real life.

I miss her so! Her crazy ways and her laughs full of snorts. She needs to blog lots more so I can laugh and snort all day long. Plus she has the cutest baby eva. (Besides mine of course) heehee
-Amber from Amber's Inner Mind
This just in...We're December babies. Everyone knows that December babies are the cutest. Just sayin'.

Ready, Set, Go!!!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

I am Thankful

It's Thanksgiving!! I am cooking dinner for half of my family. We can't all be together this year...but those of us who can will eat enough to make up for those that can't make it. :D

I'm preparing a dinner for about 15 people. I'm making a 20 pound turkey, ham, stuffing from scratch and a whole lot of sides. Good times will be had.

So here is a small list of what I am Thankful for this year. I kept it to 10 cause I'm sure you all have meals to prepare and eat. :D

1. I am Thankful for my life. God has blessed me with another year to spend with my family. Another year to bring together the family we only get to see once a year. I am thankful that I still have a place setting at the table.

2. I am Thankful that I grew up a Daddy's girl. Thay each Thanksgiving I spent it with my Dad in the kitchen learning all his "secret recipes". Now that he is no longer with us...I can cook everything they same way he did and it's like he's still here with us and my kids get to know a little about the Grandpa they never met.

3. I am thankful for my Mother who is strong beyond words. Who taught me how to be a wife, a mom and a friend. My mother who leads by example in her life, love and faith. If I can be half the woman she is I'll be way ahead of the game.

4. I am thankful for my Children who inspire me to be a better person on the daily. Whose laughter and smiles wipe away a bad day. Who love to cuddle and who knock on the door constantly while I'm tryin' to do my bizness...reminding me that I'll never be alone. :D

5. I am thankful for My Rock. The love of my life, the man of my dreams, the father of my children. I am thankful that after 12 years we still love each other...more now than ever. I'm thankful that he has always been by my side through the good and the bad. I am thankful that he doesn't mind if I swoon over fictional characters cause he knows he's the only one who I put my ice cold feet on at night.

6. I am thankful for my family and friends. I couldn't ask for a better support group than my family and my friends who are family in every way but blood. I know with them I'll never cry alone or laugh alone. Someone is always there.

7. I am thankful for my home. I'm thankful God has allowed us to provide for our family. I'm thankful that I have doors to open in welcome to visitors. That my home is never quiet because it's filled with love and laughter of all those who pass through.

8. I am thankful for my blog friends and for Bangin' Hot Book Boys Club because of you I will have something to do next month when I am laid-off. I won't even have time to be sad that I am jobless because you all will keep me entertained. I just know it.

9. I am thankful for AT&T U-Verse for keeping my recordings safe. All 83 of them. Trust that I will get to them all in due time. Thank you U-verse for allowing me to watch my recordings in any room of the house. For allowing 4 recordings at once so no more blood is shed over whether we watch UFC or Grey's Anatomy. Yes My Rock was tired of bleeding.

10. I am thankful for Jacob's smokin' hot abs.

Lest you forget

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Hump Day Happies....

I'm happy for many things today.

1. Today is my last day at work before a nice little 5 day break.

2. We'll be on the news again tomorrow morning. If you are in Daygo...tune in to watch...Fox 5, 7:40am. (or DVR it)

3. We leave to Tucson on Friday morning for the West Coast Championships. Think happy thoughts!
But mostly I am happy because of the hotness that is Jacob Black! I know he is 17. I know that is jailbait. I know and I can't stop lookin'. I must repeat to myself "His 17 will get me 20, his 17 will get me 20"

Yes, yes, I am Team Edward still. But I am not dead. Dang! Can't a girl just swoon? (and moan and lick her lips and dream of him looking at me like that?)

I mean look how sad he looks in the picture above. Don't you just wanna kiss him, lick him, hold him?

He is on a mish in this picture. And I wanna help him. Help him get outta those wet clothes. He could catch a cold for goodness sakes!


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Have a love for Book Boys?

Edward, Peeta, Pony Boy?? (Yeah I went pony boy...don't judge!) Well then....

Check it yo'!

Good times, bangin' hot boys, fun friends....who could ask for more?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hump Day Happies....

Today's will be a quick one (TWSS)
and a little boring (She said that too)
I am happy about LIFE. Really my life is Fantabulous! It's hard and everything isn't working out how I planned it. But I have a wonderful husband who adores me and who I adore. I have 3 beautiful babies...who remind me on the daily they aren't babies anymore. And I have THE BESTEST friends!
It's with those BESTEST Friends that I'll be watching New Moon with TOMORROW night!! WOOHOO!! Yes we is crazies and we are going at Midnight. I can't wait.
It's those same friends that I am about to head to Buca De Beppo with...hence the quick post.
Oh and it's one of those friends who bought me my very own Pocket Alice!!! HZizzle you freakin' rock so hard! Stay turned for adventures of Alice and Alice.
Told you I have the BESTEST Friends!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Hunger Games - Movie?

Rumor has it that Suzanne Collins is working on a screenplay for The Hunger Games. I'm not sure how I feel about it. On one hand I'm excited about the possibility. On the other I'm not sure it will live up to my crazy expectations.
First of all, in the book Peeta is Blond. In my mind Peeta is not. He has dark hair...and he is freakin' hot. I'm just sayin'. Yeah I've seen a bunch of sites where everyone is picking their "Peeta"...I just ain't feelin' it yo! If they cast a blond actor for Peeta I won't be able to picture anyone but him when I think of Peeta. :(
Second, the book is written for "young adults" (what the freak is a young adult anyway?"). However, if the movie is made for "young adults" there is no way they would be able to get the rating they need without taking out the crazy, bloody, spear in your stomach type scenes from the arena.
Third, Gale needs to be a hottie too...but not so hot that I'm waivering on my Team Peeta status. Cause yes Gale is a dark haired cutie that the girls in town all lurve...but I can't love him. I just can't. I'm Team Peeta. Do not try to sway me by casting a dark haired dream come true and giving him abs like Taylor Lautner's cause...wait no...please do. :D
Last, please don't turn this into another Twilight. Please don't. I can't handle the hype again. The freakin' screaming teenagers that didn't even read the dayum book.
What do you think?

Friday, November 13, 2009

I want to thank the academy...

I got my first blogger award(s). Yippee!!

I am following her lead and am combining the two. No biggie. We're just that good. Just sayin'

The rules for Kreativ Blogger are:
1. List 7 things about myself others might not know.
2. Award 7 people with the award.

The rules of the Honest Scrap Award are: Divulge 10 honest things about yourself. Then pass the award on to 7 bloggers who you believe will be 100% truthful!

1.) I really have written our my Oscar acceptance speech. I did it in high school, found it years later...laughed about it, then wrote it again. Gotta keep it updated just in case. Now all I need is to be discovered so I can put it to use. It's the perfect combo of funny and tear jerking.

2.) I have my lisp because I didn't have my 4 front teeth as a kid. My parents didn't want to send me to school looking silly so I had dentures. Seriously. I started kinder with a set of dentures cause that wasn't as silly as missing teeth. I love my parents!!

3.) I'm scared of the dark and I can't sleep alone. I scare myself. So if My Rock isn't home then I sleep with my babies in bed with me (and the light on). When I used to travel for work I would share a hotel room with my boss, you know to save the company $$. On the few occassions I had to travel alone. I slept with all the lights on...and the TV.

4.) I can't go #2 anywhere other than my own toilet in my own house. There is your TMI for the day.

5.) I like to make out a lot. The good thing is that it's always with My Rock. I'm scared that I'm gonna be a old lady all full of wrinkles making out with My Rock. Sounds gross when I put it that way. Actually I hope it happens. I hope I never get tired of making out with My Rock...even when we're old and toothless. hahaha! Seriously!

6.) I have the mind of a 16 year old boy. I can make the most innocent statement into something dirty. It's a great talent actually. Sometimes I share my pervertedness with others...sometimes I just giggle to myself.

7.) I hate running into people from high school. Unless they are those select few who I've kept up with through the years. Cause odds are I won't even remember you. As a matter of fact this past Sunday we had some people over after My Little Rock's football banquet. There was a mom who came over and apparently went to high school with me...she didn't mention it the whole time. Her husband mentioned it to my Rock. Awkward.

8.) I'm jealous of moms who get to stay home with their kids. I'm seriously bitter about it. My Rock has told me before that I don't have to work...but in reality I do. There is no way I would let him bust his arse so I can be home while the kids are off in school anyways. He already works too hard. Plus I love my car and getting pedicures and going out to eat...I'd have to give that all up and I'm too selfish.

9.) I have a secret list of what I would buy the people in my life if I won the lotto. Even people I barely know. I have at least a little something for everyone who has touched my life somehow. I'm not gonna buy everyone a car or anything but like surprise tickets to Disneyland or a new BBQ. Fun stuff.

10.) I collect recipes and I never make them. I wish I had time to try new stuff and I wish my family was willing to eat my experiments. But I don't have the time and they don't have the courage.

So there it is, all this nonsense about me, out there for the world to it's your turn!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Hump Day Happies....

"The Humpty Dance here's your chance a do the hump!" It's hump day again! Woohoo!! Here are my happies for today:

Strawberry Body Butter from The Body ShopI freakin' love this stuff! Seriously love it. My weekend kid worked at the Body Shop for a while so I had her buy me a bunch with her discount. Now I'm almost out with no discount to buy more. UGH! Maybe I should make friends with someone who works there and I can buy her MAC make-up with my discount and she can buy me body butter with hers. Gosh I is smarts.

Avocado Milkshake Boba's from the Tea Zone It sounds disgusting...I know this! And it looks worse then the picture shows. It's totes green. But it is like joke. I went out at 8:00 after our little get together on Sunday to get me one. It's my new guilty pleasure.

Being able to say I told you soYes this is my B soaking wet on a crisp autumn afternoon. I walk along that little wall between the pool and the jacuzzi when I'm cleaning the top of the pool. She likes to do the same for no reason other than to just do it. I've told her countless times she needs to stop cause she is going to fall in. I was right. When I heard the splash from the kitchen I ran outside to see her scrambling to get out. Instead of getting her the towel she was begging for...I took lots of pictures. You know like a good mom. :D Now I look at this picture on my phone and get a good giggle when I need it.


p.s. 8 DAYS, 8 DAYS, 8 DAYS, 8 DAYS,8 DAYS, 8 DAYS, 8 DAYS, 8 DAYS,8 DAYS, 8 DAYS, 8 DAYS, 8 DAYS, 8 DAYS, 8 DAYS, 8 DAYS, 8 DAYS, 8 DAYS, 8 DAYS, 8 DAYS, 8 DAYS, 8 DAYS, 8 DAYS, 8 DAYS, 8 DAYS,8 DAYS, 8 DAYS, 8 DAYS, 8 DAYS, 8 DAYS, 8 DAYS, 8 DAYS, 8 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Things I suck at.....

I've decided to list the things I suck at in order to motivate me to work harder on those. It probs won't work...but whatevs (way to think positive right?) ha! :D

1. Blogging - Just sayin'...I've posted like 2 blogs in the last month. I need to get my priorities straight.

2. Softball - I mean I couldn't even play on Friday cause I forgot my cleats. who does that? oh! errrr!

3. Being on time - I wait until the very last minute for EVERYTHING! I even gave birth 2 weeks after my due date. No joke.

4. Working out - yeah I start almost every other week. Swearing that "this is the week I stick with it". Yeah that week hasn't come yet

5. Finishing stuff- I have half done projects and half done lists and now half done posts.... I'm over this list. :D

p.s. I think I want bangs again....this isn't a great picture (another thing I suck at?) haha!

Should I or shouldn't I?

By the way...this picture was taken at 1 o'clock in the mornin'! On the party bus after dancing it up at the club....and maybe a drink or two or 7. :D

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hump Day Happies....

I can tell you what I'm not happy about today....3rd place. Yeah TURD. I know I have to stop being could be worse. We could have been the 4th place team that sat on the mat after awards crying their eyes out. I'm just a little upset that my girls sooooo did NOT do their best. Maybe it was just an off day...oh wells...on ward and up ward from here!

*Please note that I just got a text from my Rock that said "Baby I love you with all my heart body and soul" I'm swoooooning. Swooning ya'll!! I love him and his random text messages. He has made this Hump Day that much more happy! Now back to our regularly sceduled post....

On top of being the head cheer coach for our Jr. Pee Wee girls, I am also the cheer director for our association. So I oversee 4 cheer squads. Out of the 4 squads 3 of them placed in the top 3 of their divisions. Whoop whoop!! We are moving on to the West Coast Championships in Tucson, AZ. So we get another shot at that first place trophy.
That makes me happy this Hump Day. A trip to slow week. heehee! This picture also makes me happy:

It's a long standing tradition that each year at cheer comp the football players attend and present the girls with flowers after they perform. This year we had the biggest turn out of football players ever. Those boys were loud and proud...not to mention fighting over who gave the flower to what girl. I'm sooo not ready for that. :S

What's making you happy today?


Friday, October 30, 2009

Go, Fight, Win

This Sunday is it. Our big Cheer competition. My girls moment to shine for 2 minutes and 30 seconds. All our hard work from the last 3 months will be put to the test. Have you seen the movie Bring it On? Well real life cheerleading is just like that.
This is my most stressful time as a cheer coach. This is the weekend I quit each year and say I'm never doing this again.
This is why I come back each year and coach:

B's Cheer picture from last year. This year's picture is in...but she looks like a teenager and I'm not ready for that yet. :D

She LOVES to cheer. Loves it. So I deal with the stress and the drama and the tears each year for her. She works so hard at it too. Even when I'm not there telling her "one more time and use facials!" I hear her in the shower counting away...and playing the competition music in the car on repeat so she can visualize the routine.

I also see her frustration when her stunts don't stick or they have to start over because someone wasn't counting or wasn't paying attention. She is quite competitive that little B of mine. She pushes herself and others on her squad to do their best. Don't get me wrong...she is also pretty quick to mess around and roll her eyes at me. I mean I'm just an old coach lady...what do I know.

But when it comes down to it...I couldn't be more proud of my baby girl. I love watching her perform. I love seeing the smile on her face when she is on the floor. I also love to see the smile on her face when they win big.

So pray for us if you can. Pray that all our hard work pays off. Pray that every single stunt hits and my girls get that first place trophy!!

I'll tweet all about it on Sunday. :S

oh and


Monday, October 26, 2009

Team Peeta or Team Gale (spoilerish)

I just finished ready Hunger Games and Catching Fire this weekend. I swore I was gonna pace myself...but once I started I couldn't stop!!

Excuse me Suzanne Collins and Scholastic Publishers...send us the Third book now or there will be an uprising in all flippin' 13 districts....yeah I said it 13!!!
Until we get that book they are overnighting to us let's discuss....
Team Peeta or Team Gale?
No contest right? Wrong! We need to look at this from all angles.
They both love her...they've both loved her for a long time. Neither one did anything about that...why? Did Peeta think she was spoken for? Did Gale think she already knew? I think they are both lame-o for not saying anything until it was too late. Let this be a lesson to us all. If there is something you want...go for it! Before they put you in an arena and make you fight until death.
mmmkay moving on...
One of the things I love about my relationship is that I always feel safe when I'm with My Rock. I know that, if he had to, he could protect me from Lions and Tigers and Bears (oh my). Now if I was Katpiss (yeah I said it..but for the record Heather said it first) would I feel safe with Peeta or with Gale? um duh...Gale. right? He hunts and kills things and ...Or maybe Peeta because he's proven time and time again that it's all about her and keeping her alive and happy. But then you prefer a lover or a fighter? Or both? Hello Finnick! oops...let's not go there.
Gale works in the mines...she never sees him....he could get hurt like her Dad...leaving her poor heart to suffer. Peeta is in the Victor's Village with her. He makes her cheesy bread. He makes her bad dreams go away by holding her while she sleeps.
Gale and her are like one. They hunt together...take care of their families. They've suffered through a lot together...they know each other so well. Peeta's never had to struggle like them. He can't understand.
I just feel so bad for both of them and her too I guess. To have two guys be in love with her. But she irritates me like Bella did.
So back to the question....
Team Peeta or Team Gale?
You tell me!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Friday Funnies....

Time to get back to laughter....

Alice at her best. Cracks me up e'ry time. What is funnier is that I AM HR! haha!

Have a good weekend everyone!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

For some moments in life, there are no words....

I've been gone. First cause I was lazy. Then because I can't think happy thoughts. I want this blog to be full of my lifes shenanigans (hence the clever name). However, our family suffered a tragedy. We lost someone we love very unexpectedly. My heart hurts..for her, for her parents, for her siblings, for all her family and friends.
Mariee Mena 8/22/83 - 10/6/09

Angel, Mariee, and Richard at the Luxor buffet in Las Vegas.

I took this picture a couple of years ago on a trip to watch Mariee (middle) play in a tournament in Las Vegas (we missed her game that day...and she laughed at us) We loved watching her play softball. She kicked ass. Seriously. She was an amazing person and I am blessed to have known her.

Here's an article about Mariee.

Mariee you will live forever in our hearts. We will miss you so very much. Until we meet again.....We love you!

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Friday Funnies....

What's that? It's Thursday you say? Well today is MY Friday at work and it's my blog so therefore...IT'S FRIDAY FUNNIES time!!

I'm off to go compete in today's office Olympics Challenge so I don't have time to be hilarious as usual. So I turn it over to you dear funny blog friends. We're gonna play...add the caption. Have fun!!

*edited to protect the innocent

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hump Day Happies....

I have this weird pattern of actually being happy every other week. I no likey. My doggie is still sick, so he's still keeping us up at night. I just want him to get better. Somewhere along the way I feel in love with the toe licking monster. AKA Sir Humps A Lot. :D Even though his Doggie E.R. visit cost us some mad chedda yo!
Other than that. Are you happy? You should's Hump Day! Look over yonder....that's the weekend! You can already see it!
For today's happy's I've compiled another list of things that made me happy today. (I really like lists) Here's a short one (twss):
1. Random text messages from My Rock to tell me he loves me.
2. It's now Fall and I LURVES me the Fall time!!
3. Held it down in Office Olympics today. Well at least one event.
4. I have Friday off!!!
5. I have some cool as heck blog friends.
Since you're all so cool. Who wants to play a game? A song lyric game? We'll start Monday. Who is in???

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My To-Do List...

So....I got this idea from Amber months ago and I've had it on my to-do list since then. (oh the irony) The only way to hold myself accountable is to put it out here for the world to see. I'll let you know how it works. I'm giving myself 2-weeks to get'r done.

1. Buy Dresser for Bedroom

2. Paint kids bunk beds

3. Buy My Little Rock a new mattress

4. Pick favortie anniversary pictures to put in frames
5. Send the anniversary pictures to Costco for printing

6. Add word art over bed

7. Pick a brand new recipe and make it for the familia

8. Buy new Halloween decor and decorate Casa

9. Work out 3 times a week (cheer practice doesn't count unless I do laps)
10. Plan my Mom's birthday celebration

Friday, September 18, 2009

It's not all about hump day...

You would think Wednesdays are my favorite since that is when I seem to be in the habit of posting. Well it's not. Fridays are. Fridays rock non stop! Wanna know why? Well I'll tell ya!
1. It's casual day at work. I get to wear my jeans. I love jeans
2. Every other Friday I am off of work. I work a 9/80 schedule and I loves it.
3. It's softball night. I play on that co-ed team I told you about a while back...'member? You 'member!
4. I don't have cheer practice. It's my day away from those little....darlings. :D
5. I get to hang out with the Bestie...we usually chillax after the games.
6. If it's a Friday I don't have work then I get to go to breakfast with my Mama, sister, and bestie.
7. I get to pick my kids up from school. I love that they are so happy to see me when they walk out of their classrooms.
8. I could go on and on....but it's Friday so I'm off to Enjoy it!
Have a great weekend!!
P.S. I bought my ticket to the Midnight showing of New Moon. Yesh, yesh I did. 63 days. Don't hate.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hump Day Happies....

I am happy because the Bolts did it again on MNF! 12 wins in a row against the Raiders!!

We watched the game in our friends backyard on a big projection screen. It was a great time!
Not a great picture...but you get the idea! It was a blast!

I was checking out the Chargers website and look who is on there:
No biggie...just me and My Rock reppin' SD. Just sayin'. Now I wish I would have done my hair! :D

Did I mention that we are hilarious when we are together?? Well we are....

We totally made-out in their picture! We make backgrounds more interesting.